RM 1,999
This calculator helps you estimate how much cash you need up front (apart from the down payment) in order to purchase this property.
SPA Legal Fees
Sale & Purchase Agreement is a private contract between the seller and the purchaser (you in this case) for the sale and purchase of a property. The SPA is prepared by your lawyer. The cost is calculated on tiers based on the market value of the property. Our cost does not include any disbursement fees charged, government tax or discounts provided by your lawyer.
SPA Stamp Duty
Stamp duties are amount paid to the government on a variety of written documents which in this case is the Sale & Purchase Agreement. The Stamp Duty is calculated in tiers based on the selling price.
Loan Facilities Legal Fees
If you are applying for a loan, this is the agreement between you and your bank. The fees will be charged by the bank lawyers. The cost is calculated on tiers based on the loan amount. Our cost does not include any disbursement fees charged or discounts provided by the lawyer.
Loan Stamp Duty
The stamp duty for the loan agreement between you and the bank. The cost is 0.5% of your loan amount.
Valuation Fees
Property valuation is an essential part of the Home Loan application process. The cost is calculated on a tiers based on the market value of the property. Our estimate does not include government tax, disbursement fee or discount provided by the valuator.
RM 0